Jolly Good Software
Business Systems
Decisions and Illusions
The perfect illusion occurs when you don't even realise that what you are seeing or doing isn't actually what you think it is. Our solutions are all about understanding your problems and finding matching functionality in our system to enable us to solve those problems. But to make it work, we need to create the illusion that you are still working with what you know and are familiar with.
An example might be a cricket scoring app that uses Sale Orders to record the outcome of a bowler's over. It would be unusable if the question was "Who is the customer?", but as soon as the question becomes "Who is the bowler?", it makes sense. Then instead of asking "Which item do they want?" we ask "What was the outcome of the first ball?", and we show you the items: Wide, Catch, Run and so on.
The illusion is that you are scoring a game of cricket, but the reality is that you have just ordered one wide, eight runs and an LBW.
Did you say it doesn't have forms ???
The Art of a Perfect Illusion
Formless - Without a Clear Form or Structure
Our systems don't have forms: they have questions, which are of a predefined type. So any time you do something in your system you are answering a series of questions by entering data, a number, or a date. You could also select items from a list (there are other possibilities too, but that's for later). This means that we can just add new questions without the need to redesign anything.
Our approach allows changes to be implemented faster, and at a lower cost; it literally changes everything you did or didn't know about software solutions and delivery.
Optimised for Decisions
Our screens are broken into three sections: the question section takes up about one quarter of the screen; the two information sections occupy the remaining one half and one quarter of the screen respectively.
So when your team members are doing their daily job, we always have three quarters of the screen available to give them information about what they are doing, That's three quarters of the screen to help them make a good decision.